Recently the FDA was unable to force stores to remove a makeup from their shelves that contained asbestos, a known carcinogen. Here is what you can do about it.

Recently the FDA was unable to force stores to remove a makeup from their shelves that contained asbestos, a known carcinogen. Here is what you can do about it.
Too much of our lives has moved from the outdoors to the indoors. Instead of working outside on the land we’ve moved to office buildings. Instead of walking to work, school and to friends’ houses, we drive. We were designed to be in nature and here’s why.
Even though sleep is so important, we don’t make it as much of a priority as we should. We often sacrifice sleep for work, exercise or Netflix. No matter who you are, sleep needs to be a priority. Here are a few tips to get better sleep.
I’m always excited for January to come to have a good reset. Every January I do some kind of nutrition “challenge.” The question is, do we need a nutrition challenge to reset?
How do we survive the holidays without health crashes and sugar comas. What if you don’t want to abstain from Christmas cookies, fudge, hot chocolate and peppermint kisses (a must-have). So if you want to abstain from treats, I have tips for you. But if you want to indulge a bit, I have tips for […]
We can be doing everything right as far as fitness and nutrition goes but if we can’t get a handle on our stress levels it doesn’t make much difference. But we don’t always have time to spend hours each day in a state of “calm.” So let’s get real. How can you practically reduce stress? […]
I’ve always bought “cage-free” eggs. I was so proud picturing my eggs being laid by chickens roaming around a field of grass and flowers listening to Simon and Garfunkel. Then I learned that “cage-free” may not mean what I thought it meant. What about Organic? Free Range? Pasture Raised? What does it all mean?!
Sugar comes by so many different names. But which ones are healthy and which should you avoid?
We’re constantly told we need to eat healthy foods but do you wonder why. I don’t know about you, but I’m a person who is much more willing to do something if I know the reason behind it. Not only am I about to tell you why you should eat certain foods, but give you […]
You guys know I LOVE to do food/fitness challenges. It’s my competitive nature. I can’t compete against others or else I make enemies. Even my son doesn’t like to play games with me. I’m the only one who enjoys it when I win… Anyway, I think this is why I like food challenges so much. […]
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