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Archive | healthy tips

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10 Easy Goals to Set for the New Year

A new year is upon us and that means New Years’ Resolutions. Too often, we set goals like “lose 20 lbs,” or “increase business revenue by $20k.” While those goals may be good, it’s okay to set little goals you can achieve daily. Here are several goals you can achieve and/or recommit to every single […]

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How to Recover After an Indulgence

Even as a nutrition therapist, I don’t expect you to always say “no” to every indulgence, but I also don’t want you to start the new year feeling tired, sick, and emotionally exhausted. Here are a few of my tips and tricks that get me through an indulgence during the holidays, or really anytime you’re […]

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Gluten Free Replacements

Best Gluten-Free Substitutions

I’ve decided to start a series of posts to share my favorite allergy-friendly food substitutions. We’re going to start with the biggest offender: gluten. Gluten sensitivity is becoming more and more common. Luckily, with all the great alternatives, it’s becoming easier all the time to go gluten-free. Here are some of my favorite gluten-free substitutions.

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Ten Products that Get Me Through the Day

Let’s face it. If you’re a mom, a spouse or a person living on this planet, life can be hard. It’s important to find the little joys in life to get you through the day. When I was a teenager, those joys were often big things like cliff jumping with my friends. Now that I’m […]

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