Today I’m answering 3 of the most common questions I get from clients during nutrition consultations. If you’ve wondered about weight loss, struggling with restrictions or taking supplements, read on.

Today I’m answering 3 of the most common questions I get from clients during nutrition consultations. If you’ve wondered about weight loss, struggling with restrictions or taking supplements, read on.
A few weeks ago I saw a post shared on Facebook in an attempt to encourage equality and social acceptance. What it did for me was leave me angry and frustrated. I’m not going to share the post because I don’t want to give it the publicity, but it was of a plus-size model posing […]
I remember the first time I sprained my ankle. I was 5-years-old and I was walking down the stairs to get my ice skates to go to my friend’s birthday party. I fell down the stairs and sprained my ankle. Rather than cry for my mom, I realized this would mean I couldn’t go to […]
Today I’ll tackle some common, unhealthy, sweet food vices and do my best to give you healthier versions to replace them. Eating healthy doesn’t mean eating kale and spinach all day (though I do recommend eating at least one of these every day). Eating healthy is delicious and fun. Hopefully this post can prove that.
Everyone has an opinion about what the very best exercise is. But no matter the opinion, everyone agrees that exercise is a must for everyone. No matter age or physical ability, EVERYONE should get some kind of exercise. So here are some tips when choosing the type of exercise that is best for you.
I’ve tried just about everything out there to lose weight but could never stick with anything long enough to lose that weight. Then a year and a half ago, I started what I thought was a weight-loss program, but ended up being something that changed my life.
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